Portal Gun от Vinessa_3dst

Размер: 9.57 x 3.19 x 3 д x 1
Размер: 6 x 3 x 0.37 д x 1
Описание Модели
3D model of intentional3d
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Need to hop dimensions? We've got you covered. Print out the parts to your...Показать больше
very own portal gun! This gun is based on the incredible device made by Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty.



.2 mm


Body.stl should be printed with a raft and supports. All other parts should print support free.

Body.stl and TopCover.stl should be printed in white

Bulb.stl and 10mmLED.stl should be printed in transparent green (We think HatchBox Transparent Green is the closest match to the show's colors)

Knob.stl and LedHolder.stl should be printed in black.

PrintedLEDScreen.stl should be printed in transparent red

Print one of everything except for the 10mmLED and LedHolder -- you will need four of each of those.

Remove any support material from the body. Snap the knob into the hole on the body's handle. Use hot glue to affix the LED holders and LEDs into the holes on the front of the body and the hole in the top cover.

Using M3x6mm screws, attach the top cover to the body

Assembling the Electronic Version
The electronic version uses LEDs, a rotary encoder, an LED alphanumeric display, and a Trinket Pro to bring the full experience to this model!

You will need the following parts:

- Adafruit Pro Trinket 5V 16MHz
- LiPoly BackPack
- LiPoly Battery 3.7V
- Rotary Encoder
- Metal Knob
- Quad Alphanumeric Display (Red 0.54")
- 10mm Diffused Green LED (x4)
- 10mm Plastic Bevel LED Holder (x4)
- 150 Ohm Resistor (x4) for LEDs
Follow the instructions on GitHub to see how to install the firmware onto the Trinket Pro and solder the connections.
Об авторе этой модели
46 models uploaded
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