Just want to say great product. Came fast, worked perfect and they even included a 2nd set for free. Thumbs up for good service. Will come back again. Thanks
Response: My wife and I thank you for the 5 star review. If I recall on that print the one was good, but not to our standards so we reprinted and included it as it was technically functional.
The supplier was top-shelf and I would highly recommend him. Treatstock sent the order originally to someone on the East coast who rejected the order and after a week I canceled the order. Fortunately, the supplier for this job had done a smaller job and I asked him for a quote via TreatStock for the new job. I accepted the quote and the excellence began! I will use TreatStock and this vendor again!
Response: It was a pleasure working for you Roger. My wife and I thank you for the kind review and the work you provided us.