Liberator [Fallout 76]

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Model Description
"Liberators were small pre-War drones used by the People's Liberation Army. They were deployed by air across the United States, seemingly as a prelude to...さらに表示 a planned ground invasion by Chinese troops, but the Great War broke out before any invasion occurred. By 2102, many Liberators continued to function across Appalachia."


I've designed this to print at the current scale, which is sized in mm. You can downscale this, but you will have to sand down the legs a bit to make them fit in the sockets. Current size has about .2mm clearance.

I've uploaded an "easy print" version, which has all parts laid out for printing. I also added individual STLs for the main body and leg. If you choose to go this round, duplicate the leg x4.

This is a remake of Bethesda Game Studios Liberator drone from Fallout 76, made for 3D printing. All design rights belong to BGS.

I'll upload a make once I get time to print this myself.
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