Game boy macro faceplate

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Model Description
This is a faceplate for a game boy macro/GBA lite mod inspired in the boxy pixel desing for those who want to make one in plastic. It has been made from scrach...さらに表示 except the backpart, that is the makho one with some reinforcements in the screw holes and the holes a little bit bigger than the originals. The screen frame has been also enlarged and centered, I had issues with the original one.

The part has a desing of three principal layers. One is the bottom of the hollow for the select and start button, the other is the one for the d-pad and a/b buttons, that is the one in where the top and bottom faceplate's cuts are and the third one is the top layer.

It has been created this way because I wanted a smooth surface, and the ironing process leave a tiny accumulation of material in the borders of the hollows. With this desing you can make a complete ironed intermediate layer and avoid this issue just with two ironing layers. Anyway you can also print it as usual and won't have any problem further than the listed one and can be solved with a soft sanding.

The faceplate has room only for the lcd screen, the touch screen should be removed.

There are two versions for the faceplate, a complete one and a split one. I made the split one because the complete one should be printed face up due the fact that there is no room for supports if you print it face down and also the visible part results in a non desiderable surface. The problem is that the electronics face is a big flat part that is full of screw pillars, so the supports are diffcult to remove and I couldn't obtain a real flat frame on the screen bezel, even using support interface. But someone with soluble supports will do it perfectly with the complete model.

If you use the split model just glue it together with a non instant glue in order to have time to align the two parts.

It has also a thin zone over the led area that if you use a non dark material you can see slightly the led light.


Carcasa para game boy macro o GBA lite inspirada en la boxy pixel diseñada para los que quieran hacerse una en plástico. Se ha diseñado desde cero excepto la parte trasera que es la de makho con algunos refuerzos en los soportes de los tornillos y los agujeros un pelín más grandes, el marco de la pantalla se ha agrandado y centrado, el original me dio problemas.

Tiene un diseño de tres capas principales, la del fondo del agujero de los botones select y start, la del fondo del agujero de la cruceta y los botones a y b y la superior.

Se ha hecho así porque quería un acabado lo más suave posible, pero el planchado me dejaba algo de material en los bordes del agujero y con este diseño se puede evitar eso planchando por completo dos capas intermedias. Si no se quiere hacer ese proceso se puede imprimir normal y lijar luego con papel, queda bien también.

La caracasa solo tiene hu
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