Gnarly Beasts ridden by Cannibal Chickens から Burt_3dmodel

サイズ: 1.66 x 2.61 x 1.63 in x 1
サイズ: 1.66 x 2.98 x 1.63 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of felixthecrazy
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Make Crute Great Again!

Trying to fill in the blanks and open up kitbash/proxy...さらに表示 options. While these will print on an FDM printer, I recommend them in resin as there are a number of fiddly bits that can break during support removal.

These should go nicely with official heads/torsos/arms. I recommend purchasing the box sets for those. Hopefully this will tell THEM that we want more options to add them to our armies.

I added separate knarloc heads for kit bashing options.
55 models uploaded