C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike 3,75"/6"/Legion (Solo Movie) から Todd_M

Model Description
3D model of fine_engineer
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

This is a model of the C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike as seen in the opening sequence of...さらに表示 Solo - a star wars movie. Fits perfectly to my model of the A4B Truckspeeder.

Screen accurate and with moveable handles and a retractable searchlight.
Also Comes with a small base (coronet City street style) to present the model.

Printing instructions:
Print all parts laying flat on the bed without supports. (The only support needed for the gun on the left side is included in the files.)
Print time 9 hours, 80g filament for 3.75"

Print at 100% size for 3.75" Action figures
Print at 150% size for 6" Action figures
Print at 50% size for Legion (use highest quality setting for all small details)
35 models uploaded