Weaverville, NC, United Statesの熱溶解積層法 (FDM)3D印刷サービス

852 熱溶解積層法 (FDM)3D印刷サービスは、カスタムパーツを作成し、Weaverville, NC, United Statesに配信する準備ができています。さらに検索を絞り込みたい場合は、特定の素材を選択して、在庫のあるすべての企業を確認できます。すべての企業の品質レベルをより適切に表すために、特定のテクノロジーにおけるベンダーの経験を示すプリンター認定とともに、そのポートフォリオを示します。

Ideas Central 3D printing photoIdeas Central 3D printing photoIdeas Central 3D printing photo
Elkridge, Maryland, US
Mechanical Design Engineering and 3D Printing service that specializes in the development of products... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design
素材: PLA , ABS
最低料金: $12.99
送料: $17.00
5/5(1 レビュー )
MilStrata Manufacturing 3D printing photoMilStrata Manufacturing 3D printing photoMilStrata Manufacturing 3D printing photo
Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
Local and regional 3D printing services

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PETG
最低料金: $7.99
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(2 レビュー )
Marty 3D 3D printing photoMarty 3D 3D printing photoMarty 3D 3D printing photo
We are a desktop 3D printing service with the goal of providing high quality... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , PETG , Nylon-CF
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
Whiskey's 3d printing 3D printing photoWhiskey's 3d printing 3D printing photo
A high-schooler with a 3d printer wanting to print for people. read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA+
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
Brindle Products 3D printing photoBrindle Products 3D printing photoBrindle Products 3D printing photo
Grabill, Indiana, US
We are an established metal fabricator and builder of truck bodies and trailers. We... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D DesignCutting
素材: PLA , ナイロン, ラバー(TPU) +2 materials
最低料金: $31.25
送料: 標準均一料金
A3 Manufacturing 3D printing photoA3 Manufacturing 3D printing photoA3 Manufacturing 3D printing photo
West Lafayette, Indiana, US
A3 Manufacturing is a reliable 3D printing service committed to delivering exceptional quality parts... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design
素材: PLA , PETG
最低料金: $18.75
送料: $7.99
Fort White, Florida, US
At Key's 3Ds, we strive for excellence. We set out on a mission to... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , ABS, FLEX (弾塑性プラスチック) +1 material
最低料金: $12.99
送料: $12.00
5/5(2 レビュー )
Do The 3D 3D printing photoDo The 3D 3D printing photoDo The 3D 3D printing photo
Catonsville, Maryland, US
3D Design and Manufacturing

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , PETG
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
Collierville, TN, US
At Foundation Instruments, we believe that every great product starts with a vision. As... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingManufacturing Services3D DesignElectronics Manufacturing Service
素材: ナイロン, カーボンファイバー, ファイバーグラス +4 materials
最低料金: $25.00
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(1 レビュー )
Flamboyance 3dMaker 3D printing photoFlamboyance 3dMaker 3D printing photoFlamboyance 3dMaker 3D printing photo
Provide quality services in 3d printing.

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
G33kT3ch 3D printing photoG33kT3ch 3D printing photoG33kT3ch 3D printing photo
Shippensburg, PA, US
We have small print farm and can produce things and High quality. read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design3D ScanningPainting
素材: PLA , PETG
最低料金: $12.99
送料: $5.00
Rapid3D 3D printing photoRapid3D 3D printing photoRapid3D 3D printing photo
Columbia City, Indiana, US
Hello and welcome to Rapid3D! We are a small 3D printing start up, currently... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , PC
最低料金: $31.25
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(1 レビュー )
Danae,inc 3D printing photo
Danae Industrial 3-D printing provides an individualized manufacturing service to help our clients create... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design
最低料金: $12.99
送料: $10.00
5/5(1 レビュー )
Terraprint LLC 3D printing photoTerraprint LLC 3D printing photoTerraprint LLC 3D printing photo
Tyrone, Pennsylvania, US
3D Printing service specializing in 3D maps of areas on Earth, Mercury, the Moon,... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(1 レビュー )
3Dprintstuff 3D printing photo3Dprintstuff 3D printing photo3Dprintstuff 3D printing photo
Lutherville, Maryland, US
At 3dprintstuff we will print your files that you send over in pla. This... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , PLA+
最低料金: $9.49
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(1 レビュー )
Zeldot 3D Printing 3D printing photoZeldot 3D Printing 3D printing photo
Willoughby, Ohio, US
We provide 3D printing services and great shipping options. read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: ABS
最低料金: $12.99
送料: $20.00
mw3printing 3D printing photomw3printing 3D printing photo
We currently offer Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) in PLA, PETG, and ABS materials.. Print... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , PETG
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金
5/5(3 レビュー )
JMO Technoloy, LLC 3D printing photoJMO Technoloy, LLC 3D printing photoJMO Technoloy, LLC 3D printing photo
JMO Technology works to make 3D Printing affordable to everyone locally. All parts are... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , ABS
最低料金: $7.99
送料: $8.00
5/5(6 レビュー )
DARI Ranch 3D printing photoDARI Ranch 3D printing photoDARI Ranch 3D printing photo
Niceville, Florida, US
We are a husband and wife team of 3D printing, arts, and crafts. We... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingManufacturing Services3D DesignSignageElectronics Manufacturing ServiceOtherVacuum FormingMold MakingPainting
素材: PLA , ナイロン, FLEX (弾塑性プラスチック) +6 materials
最低料金: $18.75
送料: 標準均一料金
Panama City Beach, Florida, US
Have a digital part that you want brought to life in the real world?... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
素材: PLA , ABS
最低料金: $12.99
送料: 標準均一料金

  • FDM is the most affordable and popular 3D printing technology
  • Greatest choice of materials including PLA, ABS, Rubber (TPU), Nylon, and more
  • Surface finish is not exactly smooth due to layer-by-layer construction
  • Applications include consumer products, rapid prototyping, and product development

Dimensional Accuracy: 0.5 mm
Minimum Layer Resolution: 50 micron
Minimum Detail Thickness: 1.0 mm
Post-Processing: Yes
Maximum Build Volume: 406 x 355 x 406 mm

熱溶解積層法 (FDM) 3D印刷の費用はいくらですか?




  • 3Dファイルを即時注文にアップロードします;
  • 仕様を選択し、配信の詳細を入力します。
  • 注文プロセスを完了します。
  • 購入の進捗状況を監視します。
  • カスタムパーツをドアに届けましょう。
  • サポートチームがいつでもサポートを提供します。 3D印刷技術の詳細については、製造ガイドをご覧ください。また、マテリアルガイドは、利用可能なすべての製造媒体について詳しく知るのに役立ちます。