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À propos 3D Printing with Chopp

I'm a 3D printer located in Honolulu, Hawaii. I have three SLA printers, an Anycubic Mono X and Elegoo Saturn S and Mars 3 (with a Jupiter pre-ordered).

I primarily use Elegoo and Anycubic resins. All of the tough resins have excellent dimensional accuracy excepting the Clear Blue.

I also run a website focused on helping new users with 3D printing, as well as providing reviews of resins and other products. You can view it at www.3dpwc.com.

Shipping options

Honolulu, Hawaii, US
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Sole proprietorship
Total des employés <10
Année de création 2021


Affichage de 1-2 sur 2 éléments.
FileLa certificationCertifierApplicationIssue DateExpire Date
Treatstock Resin Certification - Mars 3TreatstockResin printing quality certification9 oct. 20219 oct. 2022
Treatstock Resin Certification - Mono XTreatstockResin printing quality certification9 oct. 20219 oct. 2022


1 févr. 2022
3D Printing with Chopp is a 3D printing company located in Hawaii, US. The vendor works with different types of Resin, such as Tough Resin, Flexible Resin, and regular Resin. Our test item was printed in Gray Resin. The results fully met our expectations. The part came out smooth and with the required precision. All the surface elements turned out accurate as well. The tricky "bridges" on the top of the model printed out solid with no defective spots. We were pleased with the quality and short turnaround time.
Imprimé le: SATURN S
Matériau: Gypse
Évaluer l'image #3603748Évaluer l'image #3603745Évaluer l'image #3603746Évaluer l'image #3603747
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Treatstock Achievement

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Registration 2 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Last produced on Treatstock

28 janvier 2022

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