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3D Design

Reverse engineering

3D scan to CAD parametric design output

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Tags: #3d scanning #reverse engineering

Service rate $12.00 / hour
Min. order 1 hour
Service ability 15 hour / day
Avg. production time 15 days
3D Design

CAD conversion

Convert 2D drawings to 3D CAD and 3D CAD to 2D GD&T drawings

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Tags: #2D to 3D #3D to2D

Service rate $8.00 / hour
Min. order 1 hour
Service ability 20 hour / day
Avg. production time 20 days
3D Scanning

Scan to CAD

STL to CAD data and digital inspection report

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Tags: #reverse engineering #digital inspection

Service rate $12.00 / hour
Min. order 1 hour
Service ability 10 hour / day
Avg. production time 10 days

Laser cutting

Acrylic laser cutting, MDF laser cutting, Mild steel Laser cutting and Stainless steel Laser cutting.

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Tags: #acrylic #Sheet Metal

Service rate $3.00 / ft2
Min. order 1 ft2
Service ability 8 ft2 / day
Avg. production time 8 days