Miniature In-N-Out Sign から Ray_3dstl

Model Description
3D model of thenewhobbyist
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

I just got back from California and decided to make myself a souvenir from my...さらに表示 trip that I couldn't buy if I wanted to. So here it is! My Miniature In-N-Out sign (with a 4mm hole on the base of the sign for mounting on a dowel rod for display).

I printed this as a one dual extrusion print, but it could just as easily be printed in parts using a single extruder printer (see my instructions for details).

Now if I could only print myself a double double...

Dual Extrusion
1. Assign InNOut_BoxSingle_TNH.stl to your first extruder. Assign InNOut_Arrow_TNH.stl to your second extruder.
2. Pause your print at 8mm and swap your first extruder from red to white.
Single Extruder
1. Print InNOut_Arrow_TNH.stl in yellow.
2. Print InNOut_BoxSingle_TNH.stl, pausing and swapping red for white filament at 8mm.
3. Glue the top and bottom arrow sections to the main body.
106 models uploaded