Carousel Of Progress Miniature Signage から Ray_3dstl

Model Description
3D model of thenewhobbyist
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away
-- The Sherman...さらに表示 Brothers 1964

I've been kicking around this unfinished model for almost a year now, and after a recent trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco I decided I had finish it off.

The museum has a great exhibit on the 1964 World's Fair and the Carousel Of Progress ride (which has been recreated at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom). This model is a replica of the sign outside of the ride at the Magic Kingdom. It's always been a favorite of mine so I decided to print and paint a tiny copy for my desk.

I've included the STLfor printing and the SketchUp SKP if you'd like to make modifications

I printed this model without supports and at 10% infill.

The sections were painted with:

- Citadel Fire Dragon Bright
- Citadel Teclis Blue
- Citadel Ceramite White
- Model Color Violet
Then all the parts were glued together using super glue
106 models uploaded